The Taiwanese breakfast choices is much lighter, at least for the busy city people. From my experience of living in Taipei, because mornings are always hectic with little time to buy and consume food (students have to be at school by 7:30am) , most people will opt for something that they can grab and go. Common choices are 吐司too-shi (toast) , 蛋餅Dan-bing (egg omelette?) or 三明治San-Ming-gi (sandwich) . Because the traditional staple food of Taiwan is rice, these are considered "western food", but it surely has evolved from when it first came to Taiwan. One can make these at home themselves, but why do that when you have 早餐店 just round the corner? Because these breakfast shops are very affordable and convenient, offering a huge range of choices, some people will go there for lunch or snacks too, kind of like the " all day brunch " idea .
I, for one, would never have noodles, rice or soup for breakfast, because I'm fixated on the idea of havin something "light", but the 鐵板麵tieh-ban-mien (grilled noodles) from breakfast shops are my only exception. They usually come in black pepper or mushroom sauce flavour, both of which I love, and they don't have any other topping, which works great for me, since I eat in small portions. They are the only thing that I am willing to eat for both breakfast or lunch.
Below is a photo of my lunch today, it's a 鐵板麵set, with the basic noodle and extra egg and pork meat, also a complimentary soy drink. This set is NTD70,which is about USD2, and makes a decent meal for me.
So, please tell me if you think this looks good! If it doesn't then it's probably because of the bad photo , since I write my blog on my phone :p I would also like to know what you typically eat for breakfast!